Patient Participation Group




An appeal directly from the members of our Patient Participation Group, Patients in Thanet need a voice!

Now that the Thanet Clinical Commissioning Group or CCG has merged with other CCGS in Kent to become part of NHS Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group it is important that patients from our surgery contribute at a local, and at a county-wide level to represent the views and experiences of Ramsgate’s population.

PPG Image

The East Cliff Practice Patient Participation Group or PPG needs more participants to represent all age groups, abilities and healthcare requirements. We normally meet at the surgery every two months on a Tuesday evening at 6pm for about an hour, but during Covid-19 restrictions it has not been possible to meet in person.  

Once a month patient representatives from Thanet surgeries also meet with the CCG engagement team to learn about the role of the Kent and Medway Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), in order to make an effective contribution to the design, planning and commissioning of health services by sharing knowledge of their local area, giving feedback from their practice patients and offering ideas that will improve services for their local population. Representatives from Thanet Healthwatch and Thanet Over Fifties Forum or TOFFs usually attend too.

Our surgery’s active engagement in this two-way information sharing process means that we can take part in surveys, consultations etc. and are kept informed of the progress of key local health and social care messages, and initiatives such as the introduction of Urgent Treatment Centres or UTCs.

If you can help East Cliff Practice by becoming a member of the PPG please contact us using our secure online form. Someone will get in touch with you shortly to discuss PPG meetings.

Minutes from our latest PPG meeting can be found here


East Cliff practice website

Do you find this website easy to use? Is there anything you wanted to know that you could not find on here? Is it user-friendly or have you any suggestions on how to improve it? The Patient Participation Group or PPG would love to hear from you.


NHS Kent & Medway Clinical Commissioning Group

The CCG Associate Member for Thanet, who chairs the monthly Thanet meetings is Clive Hart. He reports back to the Lay member for Patient and Public Engagement, Kent and Medway CCG, who is currently Cathy Finnis.

If you want to know more about the new Kent-wide CCG and how it functions why not look at their social media profiles

Or subscribe online to their regular Community Bulletins from their Communications and Engagement Team. They contain lots of useful NHS news and information about services in East Kent. To submit a story, or subscribe to this bulletin email